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01623 651444


I.T. Support...

Our promise is to ensure your I.T. does exactly what you need it to do.

1 1

Initial Consultation
and I.T. Audit



1 Month Server Safety Check

(click here for more info)


Software Support
for 1 Workstation PC
£13.75 plus VAT per month


Hardware Support
for 1 Workstation PC

£9.50 plus VAT per month


Hardware Support
for 1 Server PC

£34.00 plus VAT per month


Phone Support
£12.50 plus VAT per month

We understand that you don't want to have to worry about your IT. Your computers should just work. No hassle. No stress.

That's why we'd like to offer you the opportunity to choose one of our computer support contracts.

The support you'll receive as a contract client is designed to make your business I.T. as stress-free as possible. The cover we provide includes hardware, software and telephone support - so, whatever the issue, we're there to help.

Software support for a single workstation costs just £13.75 per month, and hardware support costs just £9.50 per month for a workstation and £34.00 per month for a server. This guarantees maximum 8 working hour response and covers parts, labour and wear and tear costs.


As a Micro Help support contract holder, you'll benefit from:

-   A single, named point of contact.

-   Priority assured service, with agreed response times.

-   A free backup survey and report.

-   50% discount on hard drive clones for covered PCs.

-   Remote access of your system, giving you instant support.

-   All warranty packages on supported hardware managed by us.

-   Faulty items replaced with a higher spec equivalent for less money!

-   25% discount on non-contract call out charges.



If you have six or more PCs at one site, you'll get 5% off the overall cost of I.T. support with us!

Terms & Conditions     |     Copyright Micro Help 2012